finds and reviews the top service professionals to help customers find the best-qualified professional for their needs using a multi faceted review process. They scored Miami Child Support attorneys on more than 25 variables across 5 categories and analyzed the results to put us on their hand picked list. Robert J. Hanreck litigates and …
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Child support does not automatically modify when there is a change in circumstances that warrants it, a party must file a supplemental petition for modification of it. When there has been a substantial change in circumstances warranting a modification of child support a parent needs to file a supplemental petition for modification of child support …
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Where a parent fails to pay court ordered child support pay checks can be garnished, bank accounts can be frozen, a driver’s license can be suspended, passport renewal can be denied, and a tax refund can be intercepted. A parent can even be incarcerated if found in contempt. Where a parent fails to pay court …
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In The Department of Revenue v. Price, the Fists District Court of Appeals for the State of Florida ruled that the Father’s overseas housing allowance should have been included as part of the Father’s gross income for the purposes of determining income for the calculation of child support. Florida Statutes Section 61.30 broadly defines income …
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As paternity and child support lawyers we regularly help clients navigate paternity cases. PATERNITY LAWYER PARENTING PLANS (CUSTODY/VISITATION/PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY) CHILD SUPPORT LAWYER RELOCATION LAWYER APPEALS MIAMI PATERNITY AND CHILD SUPPORT LAWYER Paternity cases involving parental responsibility, time-sharing, and child support can be highly emotional and traumatic. You need a paternity and child support lawyer …
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If you hope to obtain an attorney’s fee award, temporary support, or alimony in a divorce case you need to present evidence to the court of your need and the other parties ability to pay. Evidence presented should include the standard of living established during the marriage; the contribution of each party to the marriage; …
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You can not get sole custody in a divorce or paternity case anymore, but you can get something close to it if warranted by the specific facts of your case, and in some cases parental rights can be terminated were there are egregious circumstances of abuse, abandonment, and/or neglect. Under Florida law, there is no …
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We are lawyers in Miami that prepare, review, and litigate prenuptial “prenup” and postnuptial agreements. Call us today, your prenup lawyer, to help you with your prenup, prenuptial or postnuptial agreement needs. We are your best choice for a prenuptial agreement lawyer. CALL US NOW786 539-4935 What is a prenuptial agreement: Prenup, prenuptial, and postnuptial …
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Divorce or dissolution of marriage cases can vary dramatically in cost depending on what is involved, complexity, and the amount of work that is required. In a divorce in which the husband and wife already agree on all matters such as support, property, custody, and child support, a fixed fee may be appropriate, providing the …
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Yes, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and the undisputed richest person alive is going through a divorce from his long time Wife MacKenzie Bezos. Yes, it is fodder for divorce gossip and jokes. Yes, they have four children together and I am not sure the child support calculator can handle the math. Yes, it is …
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