Your Prenuptial Agreement “Prenup” Lawyers

We are lawyers in Miami that prepare, review, and litigate prenuptial “prenup” and postnuptial agreements. Call us today to help you with your prenup, prenuptial or postnuptial agreement needs (786) 539-4935.

What is a prenuptial agreement:

Prenups, prenuptial, and postnuptial agreements can provide for the protection of assets in the event of divorce of the parties, alimony, or the waiver of alimony. They can also provide for the distribution of the parties’ assets in the event of the death of a party.

How can we help you with a prenup, prenuptial, or postnuptial agreement:

  • We draft prenuptial and postnuptial agreements.
  • We review prenuptial and postnuptial agreements prepared by others.
  • We litigate prenuptial and postnuptial agreements.

What can a prenuptial agreement do for you:

  • Control and management of assets and debts during the marriage.
  • Division of property.
  • Alimony or waiving of alimony.
  • Division of pensions, retirement accounts and life insurance policies.
  • Protection of pre-marital assets.
  • Rights in the event of the death of a party.
  • Simplification of future inheritance issues, for instance if there are children from previous marriages.

They can be used to delineate the assets, debts, and income that may be marital and divided should the marriage fail, and those that will remain separate and not be divided in the event of divorce.

They can also be used to specify or waive alimony.

There are only a few things that they can’t be used for which mostly relate to child issues, like determining child custody, a parenting plan, or child support.

What is the cost of a prenuptial agreement:

You can expect our drafting of a prenuptial agreement to cost you $4,500 or more. The legal fees depend on the complexity of the issues, amount of assets,  amount of negotiations, and revisions involved.  

If you need us to review a prenuptial agreement, you can expect it to cost you $900 or more, again depending on the complexity of the issues, amount of assets,  amount of negotiations, and revisions involved. You can also expect it to cost you more if we will need to attend a signing ceremony.

Call us today to help you with your prenup, prenuptial, or postnuptial agreement needs (786) 539-4935

Why a “prenup” or prenuptial agreement:

Nobody goes into a marriage thinking it will fail. Still, it is best to plan for contingencies, just like we get insurance to protect things we own.

Prenuptial agreements can offer certainty and help to reduce the transactional costs in a divorce. A prenup leaves less to fight about and with both parties knowing where they will stand.

While it can be a little uncomfortable discussing a prenuptial agreement with a fiancé, having a prenuptial agreement can help people stay friends down the road.

If you think it’s hard to talk about finances now, consider it may be easier to negotiate with a party that loves you and wants to marry you than one that wants to leave you and divorce you already.

If you are losing the relationship with the love of your life you may thank yourself for not adding a fight about all issues in divorce court to the process.

For the frugal among you, the cost of a divorce with a prenuptial agreement is likely to cost you less than a divorce without a prenuptial agreement with contested financial issues.

If you are considering such an agreement it is important you consult with a lawyer who practices in the area of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. Make sure your rights are properly protected. Call us to schedule a consultation on (786) 539-4935.